I gave my sister a birthday present that would make her really laugh-out-loud every day (atleast for the next few months). Its a DVD set of "Everybody Loves Raymond - First & Second seasons". Believe me... It was a spontaneous idea that flashed in my mind while I was browsing amazon.com trying to kill time. Anyways, it turned out to be a great gift to my sis. She liked it very much, as she has not seen most of the episodes of this show (though she loved to watch it).
I mailed this one to India, and asked my mom to keep it hidden from my sis until her bday. Then, she gave this gift on behalf of me to my sis on her bday while I was on video chat with her...
October 28, 2005
A sensible B'day gift
October 25, 2005
Free Flight Tickets
I reserved my flight tickets to California (Irvine) for this christmas. Its 8 days of fun that I plan to have along with my 3 high-school friends (Charan, Pradeep and Rajesh). By the way, Charan now resides at Irvine. Detailed plans are yet to be made... still lot of time left though.
Hey... I got these tickets free of cost by using my miles in Lufthansa. It needs 25000 points to fly free-of-cost inside United States. The process of redeeming points to get a flight-ticket is extremely simple... which I never expected. Thanks to Lufthansa ~
October 08, 2005
New Age CEOs
How can an experienced chap be any lesser than the young new-to-industry kid? What is the motive behind the companies hiring fresh out-of-gradschool guys, when it can opt for experienced candidates. Apart from serving the society, what exactly will the company gain? ? ?
The article "New Age CEOs" partly answers my question that has been hiding in my mind so long. After giving the question a thought, I could figure out the answer myself... Its the following qualities that puts the new-to-industry guys on advantage.
- Enthusiasm - Eagerness to learn a lot quickly becoz there is so much yet to lear
- Devotion to work - Need to impress and go up the career ladder soon
- Cutting edge technology - Having just got out of grad school
- A lesser pay would suffice
- Creativity and out-of-box thinking
- Quick-to-react attitude
- Not a hint of laziness
Did I miss anything ? ? ?